Pharmacovigilance- A drug safety monitoring tool
Introduction: Pharmacovigilance is a science that ensures patient safety against both newly launched and well-established medicinal products in the market. Pharmacovigilance is considered a specific tool used for observing and estimating Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) and is essential for successful drug management programs, clinical trials, and public health programs.
Objectives: The objective of this narrative review is to converse about drug safety, global pharmacological authorities and their responsibility, the process of adverse event reporting, and the main functions of pharmacovigilance.
Methods: In the few past years, the number of reported ADRs got increased as a result of which the volume of data got increased. To handle such huge data and the need to understand the pharmacovigilance, it requires highly skilled and proficient people for immediate detection of drug's side effects and protects the product from improper removal.
Results: The existing global network of pharmacovigilance centers will be strengthened through an independent review process in coordination with the Uppsala Monitoring Center. Its main role is to assess trials and crucial issues of drug safety that probably influence public health beyond national borders. In this global arena, Pharmacovigilance becomes an important and integral part of clinical research.
Conclusions: Most of the countries set up pharmacovigilance centers to monitor drug safety; however, millennial pharmacovigilance faces major challenges for improved safety and drug monitoring.
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