A Case Report on Anti-Microbial Resistance with Cellulitis

  • Prajwal D. S. Bapuji Pharmacy College, Davangere, Karnataka
  • Safiya Anhar Bapuji Pharmacy College, Davangere
Keywords: Anti-microbial Resistance, Cellulitis, Antibiotic Resistance, Multi-drug Resistance



The phenomenon of anti-microbial resistance poses a significant threat to global public health. The widespread and often inappropriate use of antibiotics has led for resistant strains of bacteria and other microbes, leading to concern for effective therapeutic options. 

Case Report:

A 49 years old male presented with the traumatic injury to his left foot by rod resulting in swelling and pain. Examinations revealed penetrating wound with cellulitis. Laboratory investigations with pus sample showed presence of non-fermenting, gram-negative bacilli resistant to a range of antibiotics. The patient was treated with antibiotics like Cefotaxime and Metronidazole, with analgesics like Tramadol and Paracetamol for 5 days, following which he was discharged with a comprehensive follow up plan. 


This case highlights the growing problem of anti-microbial resistance in wound treatment. Doctors need to tailor a specific treatment plan based on the unique resistance profile of the bacteria. This case emphasizes the importance of improved monitoring for resistant bacteria in hospitals, collaboration between different specialists to tackle such complex wounds, and further research into new treatments to combat this growing threat.


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Author Biographies

Prajwal D. S., Bapuji Pharmacy College, Davangere, Karnataka

Pharm D Intern, Department of Pharmacy Practice

Safiya Anhar, Bapuji Pharmacy College, Davangere

Pharm D Intern, Department of Pharmacy Practice


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How to Cite
D. S. P, Anhar S. A Case Report on Anti-Microbial Resistance with Cellulitis. jpadr [Internet]. 2024Jun.1 [cited 2025Feb.17];5(2):16-9. Available from: https://jpadr.com/index.php/jpadr/article/view/173