Analysis of price variation & formulation aspects of different brands of cefixime marketed in NCR region
Analysis of price variation & formulation aspects of different brands of cefixime marketed in NCR region
Cefixime tablets are frequently recommended by doctors to cure bacterial infections. Cefixime tablets are commonly prescribed to treat bacterial infections. This antibiotic medication can work either as bacteriostatic or bactericidal. In the NCR region,
Aim & Objective
To identify the Price Variability Among certain brands of Cefixime available NCR region
Eight different brands of Cefixime tablets opt for quality control testing. Each brand was subjected to various tests, including evaluation for defects, friability, hardness, disintegration, and dissolution. In total, 10 tablets were tested for each brand to ensure their quality.
Each brand has less than 1% acceptable friability values, except AricefO and Cefilab. Each brand represents hardness values around 8 to 13 N. No defects have been detected in any of the brands. The disintegration and dissolution tests were also tested, performed, and identified.
The quality of medicines must be re-evaluated it is run by the regulatory body responsible for ensuring the safety and effectiveness of medicines people use throughout their shelf life.
Keywords: Dissolution, Disintegration, Friability, Hardness & Defects
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