Current Issue

Vol 5 No 2 (2024): Journal of Pharmacovigilance and Drug Research
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The Journal of Pharmacovigilance and Drug Research (JPADR) is the official publication of the Global Pharmacovigilance Society. This is an international, open-access, and peer-reviewed scientific journal. It focuses on pharmacovigilance studies and their associated topics such as adverse drug reactions, drug clinical trials, drug effectiveness and efficacy, drug risk management, as well as all aspects related to the safe use of drugs.

Authors can submit manuscripts related to 

1. Pharmacovigilance

2. Materiovigilance/Technovigilance

3. Ecopharmacovigilance

4. Ayurvedic drugs safety

5. Pharmacology

6. Computer-aided drug design

7. Formulation of pharmaceutical research and development

8. Animal Study

9. Preclinical trials

10. Clinical trials

11. Biotechnology

12. Pharmacoepidemiology

13. Ergonomics

14. Newly identified drug

15. Haemovigilance

16. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Pharmaceutical Drug Development

The JPADR is oriented to researchers, professors, students, and practitioners from both the pharmaceutical industry sector, as well as the wide range of health and medicine arenas. The journal’s objective is to establish a formal platform for communicating the research results on pharmacovigilance.

An official publication of Global Pharmacovigilance Society

“A goal towards patient safety and drug safety”


Abstracting and Indexing: ICMJE, Sherpa Romeo, National Digital Library of India, Google Scholar, Geneva foundation for medical education and research, J-Gate, ResearchBib, EuroPub, Zenodo, OpenAIRE, and more.


Editor-in-Chief: Dr.Chinmaya Mahapatra, M.Pharm, Ph D.



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